Author Paul Rance's website

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Not everyone has a bloody mobile phone, Bob! Are we disillusioned with the Geldofs, Bonos, and Ures after 20 years? Not really, but they are more like politicians now. Maybe it's necessary, and if it saves more lives, then of course it's right. Though Bono praising Blair up was nauseating. Say that in Iraq, Bono....

Monday, June 06, 2005

Not quite Patrick Stewart yet...

Met a couple recently, who we first met on holiday when I was 12, J & P. Hadn't seen them since 1972, though Mother had. Wife J told my Mother that I'm "such a handsome young man", but they did have a pot at my losing my hair. I'm hardly Patrick Stewart, though!....Apart from when I shave my head to pretend I'm not balding, but am doing it is a fashion statement. That's why most men shave their heads, girls.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Language, Timothy

One thing that REALLY bugs me is the amount of foul language on blogs. Especially from women. If it's an attempt to upset the right wing wackos who faint at the word 'sex', then, yeah, I can understand that, but it just makes me lose a bit of respect. It's acting like an immature teenager trying to impress one's peers. I also understand that a lot of people use blogs to get things off their chests, because they feel too cowed to say things in real life, by a society which slaps down anyone too different. I've been a vegetarian since 1980, I am very aware of that reality! But, we should all be our own censors, and, if you have to use foul language, at least have the decency to put a warning up - a child may be visiting your blog.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Steptoe & Son Still Rocks

Watched Steptoe yesterday. 'Come Dancing' was hilarious. Those were the days when writers came up with genuinely funny lines, though it still seemed a bit risqué for the early '70s.
Steptoe And Son page

Thursday, June 02, 2005

So Tired, but not in a Spike Jones way

Had about 5 hours sleep on Tuesday. Last night I cobbled together 7, worrying about an ex-girlfriend. Women do your head in - mostly in a nice way - more than all the booze and drugs man has ever invented. Anyway, feel a bit livelier now. Enjoy my art, and mouse drawings, and take 'em free, gratis.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Celebrities helping shark charities...

I have a pathological hatred of 'reality' TV, but celebrities as sharkfood...that I'd watch. Get a cast of celebs, and put 'em in a pool of sharks. The public can bet on the first one who is eaten. The last one to be eaten is the winner, and a nice fat cheque goes to a shark charity. Nice to see a reality show do something good for a change, and twofold. Help a good cause, and rid the world of useless, vacuous, talentless celebs, so we're talking about a helluva lot of shark food, then! Who watches 'Big Brother' anyway? You're even duller than me! Was joking about the shark idea by the way...Piranhas, NOW you're talking!

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Tackling the Green Stuff

Did some weeding of the drive. In the nude as usual, but always somebody about.

Bob Geldof Kicking Behind Again

...And quite right, too! LIVE AID was 20 years ago, but have we really progressed?

U2, David Bowie, Lou Reed, Boris Karloff, Soho, Sleeping Rough, Big-Bosomed Swedes, Pigeons

Wembley Stadium, June 1987.

A hectic week. Go to two concerts in 6 days - U2 and David Bowie. I arrive for the U2 concert expecting the gig to start at two o'clock, forgetting about support acts, so I'm thinking I'm gonna be stranded in London for the night. Go to the toilets, and there's a queue of young women waiting to use the cubicle. Kinda, performing, with females watching. I turn round and say, "What are you all looking at?"...Yeah, an embarrassing moment. I hear a Lou Reed record of 'Walk on the Wild Side', only it's not a record, it's Lou live. So, a surprise. U2 were good in those days. 'Help' has me blubbering. Nice atmos. Lose a binocular lens. Leave the stadium, and walk through Neasden trying about a dozen payphones, to call home, all knackered. Find some strange shop owner, use his phone, chuck him some money and scarper. Thought Boris Karloff had died...Walk to the centre of London, and find my coach ticket has gone, and I've no money to buy a replacement. I nod off on a park bench, thought I'd try this sleeping rough lark. Buy a red pencil in the morning and get away with a passable forged ticket. Home.

Bowie is next up. Walking through London it's chucking it down. My London A-Z is pulped. Bloke says: "There can't be much more to come from up there." Obviously not a prophet, with global warming and all that just about to make it big time. At the concert, get booted in the back of the leg by a drunken Australian, and Bowie does his 'Let's Dance' period, so no enjoy, really. Fancy another night on the tiles. Walk through Soho, out of curiosity, and get more than I bargained for. Some girl about 16 asks me: "Do you want a gel?" Not sure what a gel is, then the penny drops. I politely decline. Sad experience. Anyway, I'm off to Central London, fancy Green Park this time. Settle down okay, but see some bloke spying on me. A few minutes later a police van comes whizzing into the park, and a copper and WPC come out. Pleasant enough, ask me if I've got any tattoos, say I can't stay there, etcetera, what with Buckingham Palace being close by, and possible intruders. I find I've lost a tenner. The park bench beckons. Two big-bosomed Swedish girls say 'hello', and I end up back at their flat to fix their plumbing. I wake up finding myself tied up, with a satsuma in my mouth, in some grotty hotel. My last memory is of an old pigeon on my shoulder looking for food, and Ken Livingstone wants to ban 'em. Shame!

Whaplode Drove Girl - Girls in low-slung trousers

I love the female bottom, but I am still recovering from the sight of two inches (at least) of butt cleavage, whilst on the Whaplode Drove to Spalding bus a few months ago. The girl was only about 16, and, okay, it was a nice peach, but, there is a time and a place. I have been on medication ever since to help me get over the trauma...

Monday, May 30, 2005


Hello. A bit of rain today, but got out there for a bit. Tried to get Apricot Columbus down from a tree, but she came down of her own accord.

Got up this morning

Did some stuff. Planted some foxgloves and tomatoes. Don't suppose they'll come up. They rarely do.