Author Paul Rance's website

Monday, March 24, 2025

Warden Hill Youth, Luton, Bedfordshire, 1970s

I was the first substitute for Warden Hill Youth, when we lost our first game 7-2 at Barnfield College against Lea Valley Hornets. One of my best friends in Luton, Gerard Lannon, would join the team later. Gerard is far left in the back row in this photo from the 1975-76 season. I had left the club by this time.

This photo and article appeared in Luton Town's short-lived newspaper The Hatter during '75-'76. More info can be found about Warden Hill's early days in Made in Luton.
Warden Hill Youth, Luton, 1975-76 season

Thursday, March 20, 2025

The Making of The Peace & Freedom Band's War-r-r-r-r!; Composed by Paul Rance and Andy Xport

In 1988, British underground group The Peace & Freedom Band were at their most prolific. Never taking themselves too seriously, in '88 an affectionate, humorous nod at hardcore punk band Discharge was composed by me and Andy Xport in around 15 minutes. Possibly one of our alcohol-fuelled sessions in Andy's semi in Alexandra Road, Peterborough, half a lifetime ago does tend to blur accurate memories.

Andy played bass, electric guitar and set up the drum machine, and wrote the music, while I penned the words and did some shouting over the top of the music. From conception to finished recording must have taken not much more than an hour, and Andy's neighbours were tolerant enough not to kick up a fuss at the hurricane of noise emanating from next door.