Author Paul Rance's website

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Short Kindle Novel For The Occupy Generation

Brutus - the Rabbit That Changed the World

My fairytale, which I hope comes true. Kindle - available for pre-order. Hopefully in paperback fairly soon, too.

If you're sick and tired of the system this book's for you. If you're a person who cares about all life and the Earth this book's for you. If you like a mix of the dark, humorous, erotic, philosophical, futuristic and a world-changing rabbit this book's for you! 'Brutus - the Rabbit That Changed the World' looks into a future that's not too far away, and one which offers hope to those who feel there is none.

Amazon Canada

Monday, April 07, 2014


Clash/Public Image Ltd. founding member  Keith  Levene  has  donated  a  vintage  Supro  guitar  to  raise awareness of the April 19, 2014 global Record Store Day. The black and white guitar will be given away a promotion the Mike & Jenyr’s  Q106.7 FM radio program celebrating Record Store Day.

“I’m getting involved in this way because I want to do everything I can in support of what, unfortunately, appears to be a dying but very important industry,” declares Levene.

“A music lover simply cannot have the same unique experience in some bland corporate chain that can be had in a mom-and-pop type record store establishment.  I have personally  spent  countless hours at  record stores and then at home listening to vinyl, and enjoying the artwork and liner notes that accompanied the music,” adds the legendary guitarist.

Although Levene has owned and used countless guitars over the years, his Supro  is  special  to  him  as  it  was  used  to  compose  music  for  his forthcoming  album “Commercial  Zone  2014”  release  –  a  project  which represents more than three decades of his work.

In 1982-1983, Levene started composing what was intended to be PiL’s fourth album, the Commercial Zone.  However, lack of support and creative differences over that album led the fiercely independent Levene to leave PiL  and  abandon the project.  A  crowdfunding  campaign,  which will  run through April 28, 2014, has been established on Indiegogo to help bring the project  to  market.

“I acquired my Supro not at a music store chain but at a mom-and-pop vintage  store  and  it  helped  me  finish  unfinished  Commercial  Zone business.  Now, hopefully, it will help bring some commercial business to independent record stores,” Levene says.

For further information, contact Kathy DiTondo at, or go to

Keith Levene playing his Supro guitar
Keith Levene playing his Supro

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The First 10 Poetry Tips...

The first 10 poetry tips from '101 Poetry Tips', which is available on Amazon. Paperback details here.

101 Poetry Tips Ebook (

101 Poetry Tips Ebook (

1. Don't pester people with your work. If a poem's been accepted don't then bombard a publisher with several submissions in a week or month. Also don't send whole manuscripts to small press publishers with no return postage, as many are struggling financially as it is.

2. Don't forget to practice writing poetry. As the great golfer Gary Player once said: "The more I practice, the luckier I get." In the case of poetry that should read: "The better I get."

3. Don't believe the myth about how magical a poet's life is. It's hard graft for little money for all poets initially, and involves gradual steps towards success - unless you really are one of those loathsome geniuses who finds it easy and who is quickly appreciated.

4. Don't copy Byron's lifestyle - unless you want to have the paparazzi outside your front door 24/7.

5. Don't ignore constructive criticism, but judge whether it's fair comment. Violence rarely solves things...

6. Don't use too many big words in your poems as it'll seem like you're pretentious.

7. Don't stick to one poetic form, but experiment with several, which will then help you find out which are the best poetic forms for you.

8. Don't go anywhere without a notepad. Inspiration can come at any time.

9. You don't need to set a time period regarding when to finish a poem. If it's midnight and you're tired, consider it finishing it the next day.

10. Don't sulk if your work gets rejected. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and all that.

Monday, May 06, 2013

101 Poetry Tips Kindle Book Introduction

'101 Poetry Tips' Introduction

After producing my first collection of poetry in 1980, when I was 20 years old, I've gone on to select and publish hundreds of poets from around the world via Peace & Freedom Press magazines, paperbacks and booklets. I'd like to think that I've learnt something along the way! '101 Poetry Tips' is intended to help you get the most out of your poetry writing. Good luck!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nonsense Creatures For Children Aged 3 To 120

12. The Three Humped Camel Car of Cairo

Three Humped Camel Car of Cairo,

Was more careful than a tyro,

Children sat on his humps,

And there were never bumps,

Camel Car took bridges real low.

1 of the 12 Nonsense Creatures Limericks and Illustrations by Paul Rance.
Book 1 out now on Amazon. For children (and adults) of all ages.  

Paul Rance rediscovered Edward Lear in 2009, and began creating his own nonsense creatures - in the form of illustrations and limericks. Originally published in 2009, and now currently available only through Amazon, here are the first batch of limericks, which should appeal to children aged 3 to 120.





Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thelma Rance Biography - Chapter 17 Extract

Extracts from Chapter 17 of 'Mother Becomes Stardust'. See my other blog posts for more details about this book, which is about my late Mother's struggle with the twin effects of breast cancer and a stroke.

Chapter 17 - Chinks of Light (extract)

I would walk up to Cedar Falls with stuff like The Sex Pistols 'Pretty Vacant' on the MP4 player. It'd get me to get me pumped up as I strode towards the home. It'd feel almost like a marching song at the beginning, and prepare me for any confrontations.

Mum has another hospital appointment, on October 4th. Dad was buried 10 years ago on this date, so another thing to think about.

The writing work had been picking up again, but in the morning I get an email from a writing website informing me that they're letting most of their writers go. You couldn't make it up really. No wonder the doctor in the hospital asks if I'm okay, as I'm obviously looking stressed.

At Cedar Falls, Mum enjoys her orange juice: "Oooh. Lovely." Since her stroke, Mother seems to be more enthusiastic about things she likes, and more angry about things she doesn't.

Mum, up until her stroke, had a photographic memory. She was a big film buff, as well as having wide-ranging musical tastes. Mum would rattle off names of obscure film stars from the '40s and '50s, and name films that they were in. I remember telling her that Morrissey, whose first name is Steven, was named after B-movie actor Steve Cochran. Mozza has said that he didn't think anyone would know who Cochran was, but my Mum did.

There's still good signs re Mum's fight against the dreadful disease. I'm regularly told that the cancer that's already there can only be contained and not eradicated. I'm aware of that, but I appreciate the honesty.

I've bought a Charlie George autobiography for Vaughan, my bus driver and Arsenal fan, as a leaving present. Another driver I liked, Mick, had left in July. I tell Mum: "Reading about (former Gunners star) Charlie George. Do you remember him?" Mum: "Yes, I remember him." She actually remembered a lot of football stars from the early 1970s, especially players at Arsenal, Leeds United, Manchester United, Manchester City, Liverpool, Everton, West Ham, Spurs, and Chelsea - though she wasn't into football. Mum had a soft spot for gentleman footballers, including Bobby Moore, Bob Wilson and Frank McLintock. But Mum also liked George Best...

The Breast Cancer Bombshell

More extracts from my book, 'Mother Becomes Stardust', which is about my late Mother's brave fight during her final months on Earth - and what I also often experienced within the system.

Chapter 10 - Cancer (extract)

Cancer, the real c-word. The word itself still strikes terror in people. On March 8th I was talking to Anita, a nurse at Cedar Falls, and she let slip that my Mum had terminal breast cancer. She presumed I knew...

That my Mum had cancer had been known for months, but nobody explained this to me. I'm my Mother's only child and easily her closest blood relative, but that didn't seem to matter. On my Mother's Service Option Form it stated quite clearly that, in the client group, my Mother was classed as suffering from "frailty/temporary illness". Being terminally ill is not a "temporary illness". Whether Social Services were as ignorant of my Mum's condition as I was is open to question. Going back to Mum's Reassessment of Needs form I again looked up "fumigating mass", but I came to realize that it should have read "fungating mass". The verb 'fungate' means: "To grow rapidly, like a fungus." For example, cancer. The reassessment was dated November 12th, 2010. All these months I had been thinking: "At least Mum hasn't got cancer..."

After hearing the news, if a truck had hit me I wouldn't have felt it. I said to nurse Mary that "The brown stuff is going to hit the fan", and, bless her, she was outraged on my behalf that I hadn't been informed of my Mother's condition. She rang the doctor concerned, and I was then given a copy of my Mother's Inpatient Letter, which certainly explained things more clearly. It had also earlier been deemed, by the Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust panel, that my Mother's prime need was social rather than health. My Mother had inoperable breast cancer and couldn't walk since her stroke. I've learnt since my Mum's death that, depending on what prime need is deemed appropriate, there can be differences with how a patient's care is funded. When needs are deemed as social then loved ones are expected to pay more.

I possibly wouldn't have signed Mum even going into temporary care if I had known that she was terminally ill. I also wonder how ill you have to be to stay in hospital exactly. If Mum was going to die, I and she would have wanted it to have been at home surrounded by her two beautiful cats. That wish was denied her.

'Mother Becomes Stardust' is available through Amazon in Kindle and paperback format. Check my other blog entries for more info.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane Sandy May Become America's Biggest Ever Storm

Hurricane Sandy, aka Frankenstorm, may become the biggest storm ever recorded in the United States. Though, on Sunday, considered a category one storm, Hurricane Sandy is certain to cause major flooding issues along the eastern seaboard due to its sheer size.

Sandy is expected to make landfall in the US either late on Monday, or early Tuesday. Several states have already declared a state of emergency, and New York City has closed its subway, rail and bus services from Sunday evening. States of emergency have been declared, due to Sandy, in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Maryland.

Though winds may exceed 70mph, it's really flooding and high tides that are of most serious concern, as Sandy will merge with another more wintry storm. With Halloween and the US Presidential Election days away it's another example of Mother Nature not wanting to be outdone.

Hurricane Sandy has already caused dozens of deaths in Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and the Bahamas. The danger zone for US citizens ranges from North Carolina to the New England states, and the cities affected could be New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C.

The First Few Paragraphs...

...of 'Mother Becomes Stardust'

1. Friday the 13th Does Its Worst

Thursday evening, August 12th, I watched a DVD of the Alfred Hitchcock classic, 'Notorious', with my Mother. I said to her after the film had finished: "We'll watch the extras later." Later never came, as this was to be my Mother's last evening in the family home.

I'd never seen what all the fuss was about regarding Friday the 13th - until August 2010. I woke up late on that day and saw that the time was 10am. It was a time my Mother and I would normally be on our way to the nearby town of Spalding to do some shopping. Not this time. I couldn't find my Mother anywhere and, when calling her, I received no response. I went into her bedroom and found Mum collapsed by the side of her bed. She could have been lying like that for hours. All the signs indicated that she had suffered a stroke.

This was confirmed when I called 999. I was asked, by a helpful guy, to try and get a series of responses from my Mother. She made drunken responses, but her smile reassured me.

The paramedics arrived very quickly and got Mum to Peterborough District Hospital in Thorpe Road just as quickly. It's a distance of some 16 miles. I remember that the driver looked like a New Age traveller and that we talked about music. A surreal image, but this was just the start of a what would be nothing less than a surreal journey for the next 18 months.

'Mother Becomes Stardust' is available at Amazon. Links to both the paperback and Kindle versions of the book can be found on the Amazon pages below:

Monday, October 01, 2012

John's Lennon's Best 10 Songs - in My Opinion

Below is a list of what I consider to be John Lennon's 10 greatest songs.

1. Imagine (1971)
2. Strawberry Fields Forever (1967)
3. A Day in the Life (1967)
4. Help! (1965)
5. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (1967)
6. In My Life (1965)
7. Across the Universe (1970)
8. Happy Xmas (War is Over) (1971)
9. Love (1970)
10. Jealous Guy (1971)

Check out our Beatles Portal

Saturday, September 08, 2012

A Thank You

Thanks to everyone who showed my Mum and I kindness over the past two years. I've mentioned as many people as possible in the acknowledgements section of a book detailing my Mum's final months - 'Mother Becomes Stardust'.

The book is now out on and in both Kindle and paperback format. Click the 'look inside' link on the Kindle links, and then scroll down to see the names mentioned in the acknowledgements.

Introduction to 'Mother Becomes Stardust'

On Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 my beautiful Mother, Thelma Rance, was laid to rest in the Lincolnshire village of Whaplode Drove. She was buried next to my Father, Peter, who had died in September 2001. The last 18 months of my Mother's life had been traumatic, as first she suffered a stroke and then it was discovered that she had terminal breast cancer. This is a story about my Mother's brave fight and my fight against a system which made things as stressful as possible.

If you believe the scientists we are all made from stardust - literally. My Mother always loved looking at the stars, and as life is cyclical it's nice to think she is now among the objects she so admired - as eternal stardust.

- Paul Rance, August 30th, 2012.


Thanks to the kindness of the following over the past two years: Colin, Myrie and Edie, Joyce and Susan, Norman, Wendy and Mick, Leila and Nicholas, Chris, Richard and family, Brian, Cynthia and Maurice, Iris, Andrew Bruce, Andrew Savage, Andy Xport, Francesca, Dorothy and family, Rosemary, Irene and Bill, Christine and Richard Bruness, Irini Kotroni, Danielle Olivia Tefft, Mary McGihon, Dave, Shaheen Darr, Larry Burke, Shelly Starkey, Joanne Lynch, Pat West, Tony and family, Rill and family, Valerie and Bertha, Joyce Wilson, Dot, Janet, Hilda, Belinda, Beryl, Ric Klass, Ingrid Riley, Gwynn Watt and Jane Foulger, Leilani Holmes, John Smither, Pat, Margaret, Wendy and family, Greg Brian, Julie Bodeeb, Denise Perrin, Cardinal Cox, Esther Newton, Steve Sneyd, Daisy Hickman, LuRain Penny, Jaipi Sixbear, Vaughan, Hugo, Malcolm, Ali E. McCartney, Lady Samantha, Dan Reveal, Cassie Antares, Bethany Marsh, Theresa Wiza, Susan Elliott, Kira Stann, Natasha Head, Langley Cornwell, Maria Roth, Mary Oberg, Bridgitte Williams, Parm Gill, Tina Twito, Donna Morreale, Diane Zoller-Ciatto, Shana Dines, Valerie-Ann Risely, Bridget Ilene Delaney, Kimberley Beckom, Han Van Meegerin, Loki Morgan and Patti Walden. The staff at Tanglewood Cedar Falls, the nurses at the various Peterborough hospitals, Leanne and staff at Debonair - and the kindness of strangers.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

300 Up at

I achieved my 300th published article at recently. Of all the writing sites affected by Google's Panda they seem to be the most innovative as regards fighting back. Expect interesting new developments from Helium in the New Year.

Helium increased their open assignment prices for the Christmas period from $2.00 to $2.50 per article, which was a nice touch. But it's revenue share which writers need to concentrate on at You're unlikely to make more than a few dollars a year on any one article, but, if you're in for the long haul, you'll earn more there than the one-off article payments on other sites.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lion Hug Video With Music By The Peace And Freedom Band

An uplifting vid of a lion hugging and kissing his saviour in an animal sanctuary in Cali, Colombia. Music extract - 'When Butterflies Cry' by The Peace & Freedom Band (written by me).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lady Samantha

Lady Samantha is one of my favourite creatives. She can be wacky one minute, then throw you with something out of the blue like this, re her recollections of the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

The blog of Lady Samantha covers lots of things, because she knows lots of things. If she's not careful her brain will explode because she has so much stuff in there. Happened to a Russian chess player once. The knowledge had nowhere else to go!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Murdered By The State Introduction

My intro to my Kindle eBook of various poems - Murdered By the State.

The State doesn't care about individuals. The State cares about the State. People around the world have woken up to this realization late in 2010 and early in 2011.

From cradle to grave we are never truly free. We are forced to go to school, we are often forced to work in dreary jobs - sometimes for decades. But we have been the authors of our own misfortune by not fighting back. Many people's spirits have been broken by the State as a consequence.

The systems around the world are broken. Just maybe Dylan's hope for change will finally come to pass. The State has killed too many - both literally and emotionally.

- Paul Rance, February 17th, 2011.

Murdered By the State (

The A-Bomb Dome, Hiroshima - Photograph By Peter Rance (1930-2001)

More of my Dad's photos here.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Christina Rossetti's Poem Remember; For All Our Departed Loved Ones

Remember me when I am gone away,

Gone far away into the silent land;

When you can no more hold me by the hand,

Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.

Remember me when no more day by day

You tell me of our future that you planned:

Only remember me; you understand

It will be late to counsel then or pray.

Yet if you should forget me for a while

And afterwards remember, do not grieve;

For if the darkness and corruption leave

A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,

Better by far you should forget and smile

Than that you should remember and be sad.
Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)

Thursday, September 08, 2011

The Peace & Freedom Band Nature Video

A video of a 1988 song by The Peace & Freedom Band. Music by Andy Xport (who produced it), with lyrics by me - originally from a poem of mine from around 1980. The song featured on The Peace & Freedom Band album, Life, released in '88.

Adele Becomes A Vegetarian

British singer/songwriter Adele has announced that she has turned vegetarian. Speaking on BBC Radio 1, the Londoner said that she felt a pang of guilt looking into her pet bulldog's eyes when she ate meat, as it reminded her of what other animals went through to feed humans.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Hartlepool Nature And Animal Photographer Andrew Bruce

Hartlepool photographer Andrew Bruce has recently been photographing a variety of animal subjects, including his sister's baby rabbits.

As a long-time vegetarian and lover of all animals, Andrew's feel for his subjects comes through in his enchanting photos.

See his gallery here:

Monday, September 05, 2011

Lack Of Sleep And The Creative Flow

I've not been sleeping too well lately, mainly due to my cat Sparkle waking me up early in the morning. I can't say that not getting my eight hours a day in has harmed my creative output, but does insomnia itself aid the creative process?

Sparkle: "To hell with your creative genius, I want to get even fatter!"

Freddie Mercury Would Have Been 65 Today

Queen's Freddie Mercury, arguably rock's greatest showman, would have been 65 today. It shouldn't be forgotten that he composed the odd blinding tune, too, most notably Bohemian Rhapsody... And he played a mean piano.

Live Aid was Freddie's finest moment. A day when humans around the planet pulled together - for once. Here's Bohemian Rhapsody and Radio Ga Ga for starters.

Queen at Live Aid, July 1985

Queen discography on

American Poet, Writer And Artist Susan Elliott

Susan Elliott was my first friend on Associated Content if I recall correctly. She's a gifted poet and artist, and her writing and art advice articles are probably the best articles of their type I've read on AC.

Susan's blog

Lack Of Page Views For Writers On Writing Sites - Glitches Or Something More?...

I've recently started putting up writing articles on my website, It's been interesting to compare the amount of hits I get, as opposed to the amount of hits I get on various writing sites.

I post links of my writing articles on Twitter, and the comparisons between the results from various sites pose some questions.

Curiously, similar writing articles on my website get twice as many hits as similar articles on some other writing sites. Despite Google's Panda causing mayhem recently, some of the writing sites I write for still get many more visitors to their websites than mine, so why the differences?

Glitches are the most obvious cause, especially for webpages laden with ads. But I hope that's all it is... For the record, the sites that get comparable hits to are Helium and HubPages.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

George Gently Tiny Review

George Gently was good again tonight on BBC1. I never guess who the murderer is. Nice to hear Cream's We're Going Wrong, but a strange choice of music, as the murderer/ess (not saying which, for those who haven't seen it) was led away.

Martin Shaw is never less than excellent in anything he appears in, and strange to see Neil Morrissey as an embittered, lecherous, boozed up middle aged  radio/TV personality.

George Gently on

Luton Town Manager Gary Brabin Perfects The Shaven-Headed Look

Shaved my head recently. I intimidate myself, let alone anybody else. Luton Town manager Gary Brabin perfects the shaven-headed look. My cut is not quite so fine, so his razors must be more lethal. I nearly did a van Gogh on my ear, so a bit nervous about giving the noggin too fine a cut. Though maybe the Brabster's hair just fell out?...

Looking at this menacing picture of Gary, after Luton's lack of ruthlessness at both ends of the park, maybe he should come out to play.

Video: Spalding Guitarist, Dave 'The Furry Man', Sings

Recorded the voice of this legendary Spalding character singing 'Lemon Tree' on August 3rd. I tried to stop him halfway through, but he wasn't having any. Only had a fuzzy photo to work with, so had some fun with the video effects in Windows Movie Maker. Dave doesn't believe in chords and notes. He says he has his own style, and it's amazing he's still with us. He was living in a Moulton Chapel bus shelter, suffering with cancer - in the middle of winter.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Google's Panda Is Killing Writing Sites - And Writers

Now I love pandas, who doesn't, but Google's quadruped I find hard to love.

As a writer for Demand Studios, Wikio Experts, and a former Music Contributor at Associated Content, I've recognized that, financially, those sites have been hit hard by Google's Panda and its mysterious algorithm.

As a consequence, a lot of writers are now enduring financial hardship, and many will become unemployed. Sites like Helium are trying radical new things to keep going, but it's beginning to seem obvious that writers are going to have to start helping themselves.

This means getting a personal website or blog, and getting material out through Amazon's Kindle. Good luck everyone, and welcome to this harsh new reality.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Monty Panesar Hopes To Save Luton Town FC

English cricket's star spinner and Luton Town fan Monty Panesar hopes to get his hands on some of Allen Stanford's cash for the lucrative Twenty20 international, in Antigua in November.

The game between England and a Super Stars XI will be worth $1million a man - for players on the winning side! Hopefully, speaking as a Luton fan, Monty will be selected, as he says: "I'd buy Luton Town Football Club if I won the money."

Genesis Live Earth Review; Genesis CDs, DVDs & Books

Genesis Live Earth Review; Genesis CDs, DVDs & Books

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Andy Warhol Books

Andy Warhol, silver screen...From Pop Art to giving a leg up to The Velvet Underground, Warhol was the most important art figure of the second half of the 20th Century. Check out just some of the books about and by him at

From A to B and Back Again Author: Andy Warhol
I Shot Andy Warhol Author: Mary Harron, Daniel Minahan
Andy Warhol's Colors Author: Susanna Rubin

The Time Tunnel Episode Guide Now On

Summaries of all 30 episodes of the classic '60s sci-fi series The Time Tunnel, plus the  main cast list, have been complied by Paul Rance for here:

Friday, November 23, 2007

Save The Humpback Whale - A Personal View By Paul Rance

Not since 1963 have humpback whales been slaughtered, so a sarcastic congratulations to the Japanese for taking us back in time.

Read more here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Spare No Pity For Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton recently whined about being hounded by the British media. Well, when you see this hideous, cruel young woman stag hunting with the always cruel royal family, then she deserves, at the very least, to be the quarry of the paparazzi.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hate Britain - Re The Murder Of Rhys Jones

The murder of 11-year-old Rhys Jones didn't really prove to me that Britain is sick, as I've thought it's been sick for years. It just proves it's sicker than I thought!

There's more of a nastiness now in society, than when I was 11, and when I was kicking a ball about, I just had the worry of a grumpy neighbour confiscating my ball.

I was in a gang as a teenager, but it was just macho posturing. No guns, no knives, no fighting. You can blame the current climate on a lot of things, but it comes down to respect. If you can't respect the life of an 11-year-old boy, what the hell can you respect?

I don't really know what makes the minds of these kids tick, but YouTube are quite happy to give 'em a voice here: This vid was featured on the news a few days ago.

I'd rather look at this tribute site to Rhys by his friends:

Shambo’s Pals Killed

Skanda Vale didn't really bother to protest too much this time. The Welsh Government Assembly thugs have probably broken their spirit. And, you know what, they're probably proud of themselves.

Now Britain is useless at stopping gangs of toerags roaming our streets, killing children, but we're world champions at pitiless bureaucracy.


Latest Skanda Vale statement, with photos of these truly beautiful animals:

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Foot-And-Mouth Paranoia

Foot-and-mouth is rarely a fatal disease in animals, so the obvious question is why does paranoia break out every time there's an outbreak of the disease in the UK?

The answer, of course, is about protecting the meat industry. You rarely hear, in news reports, anything about the poor animals, but a helluva lot about farmers scared of losing money.

Yangtze River Dolphin Extinct - Thanks To Man

In Beijing they were counting down to the Olympics, when some depressing news came out about the Yangtze River dolphin.

It was recently announced that the human race was to blame for the extinction of the Yangtze River dolphin, nicknamed 'Goddess of the Yangtze'. This is believed to be the first large mammal to have been wiped out by man - in this case through overfishing - in modern history.

This endearing dolphin lived on this planet for 20 million years.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Britain's Shame3 - British Government Animal Experiments Ruled Unlawful

BUAV - British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection - took the British Government to court over cruel animal experiments, and have won a partial victory at least. I recently heard about monkeys still being scalped in the 'civilized' UK.

More at Yahoo! News here:

Britain's Shame2 - Shambo RIP

The Welsh Assembly Government finally took the life of the beautiful Shambo.

The people responsible for Shambo's death have no respect for anyone's beliefs but their own. I've never really supported ALF and the more militant animal rights supporters, but I am beginning to lose patience with being a peaceful animal welfare campaigner and getting nowhere.

The poet Shelley (himself a veggie) said of animals being used for food: "If the use of animal food be, in consequence, subversive to the peace of human society, how unwarrantable is the injustice and the barbarity which is exercised toward these miserable victims. They are called into existence by human artifice that they may drag out a short and miserable existence of slavery and disease, that their bodies may be mutilated, their social feelings outraged. It were much better that a sentient being should never have existed, than that it should have existed only to endure unmitigated misery."

Shelley also came out with the "rise like lions after slumber" phrase, and it's about time animal lovers did so. Do nothing, and bad things are allowed to happen.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Shilpa Shetty Condemns Circus Cruelty

Bollywood film star Shilpa is one real*ty TV personality who isn't a brain dead, uncouth, shallow moron. She recently supported a PETA campaign against circuses, saying: "These once dignified animals only leave their cages, which are barely larger than the size of their bodies, for a few minutes each day to be forced into the ring to perform tricks which make no sense and are upsetting to them. The best way to help animals suffering in circuses is to boycott the circus. I thought I should stop that. If I can make a little difference to their lives, why not go for it?"

Shilpa Shetty page at here:

Best Friends Animal Society

Permission to CROSS POST this message from Best Friends!! If you can help, donation info is below!

Our paypal account is
and donors must note that the donations are for Liz Johnson.

Thanks so much,
Jessica Cliver
Best Friends Animal Society
Los Angeles Programs

"A better world through kindness to animals."

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tell a friend about Freecycle!

Neat idea this one.

The Freecycle Network™ is made up of many individual groups across the globe. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. Each local group is moderated by a local volunteer (them's good people). Membership is free. To sign up, find your community by clicking on the region on the left. You may then go directly to your local group by clicking on "Go To" or you may immediately joining by clicking on "Join." It will generate an automatic e-mail which, when sent, will sign you up for the local group and send you a response with instructions on how it works. Can't find a group near you? You might want to consider starting one (click on "Start a Group" for instructions). Have fun!

The Freecycle Network was started in May 2003 to promote waste reduction in Tucson's downtown and help save desert landscape from being taken over by landfills. The Network provides individuals and non-profits an electronic forum to "recycle" unwanted items. One person's trash can truly be another's treasure!

When you want to find a new home for something -- whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano, or an old door -- you simply send an e-mail offering it to members of the local Freecycle group.

Or, maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself. Simply respond to a member's offer, and you just might get it. After that, it's up to the giver to decide who receives the gift and to set up a pickup time for passing on the treasure.

Our main rule: Everything posted must be free, legal, and appropriate for all ages.

Non-profit organizations also benefit from The Freecycle Network. Post the item or items you want to give away and specify that you wish the gift to go to a nonprofit cause. It's entirely your choice! It's a free cycle of giving. The Freecycle Network is incorporated as a nonprofit organization and is tax-exempt under the IRS 501(c)3 ruling.

Think globally, recycle locally. The Freecycle Network is open to all communities and to all individuals who want to participate. Freecycle groups are moderated by local volunteers from across the globe who facilitate each local group - grassroots at its best!

Tell a friend about Freecycle!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Jonny Still Good

Jonny Wilkinson made an awesome return to the England rugby union team last Saturday, in England's 42-20 win over Scotland in the 6 Nations, after over three years out. Champions of any sport just have a different mentality, and so, for Jonny, coming back to a struggling England side at Twickenham was obviously not going to faze him.

It takes a lot to get this cynical old git excited (and my silent friend Helga has a puncture again), but Jonny Wilkinson did the trick. Brilliant kicking, brilliant handling, 27 points, and even the officials decided to reward his efforts by giving him a try - which even my dodgy peepers could see wasn't.

Jonny seems a nice bloke, too, and he must be good on the guitar now. He's had plenty of time to practice...

Jonny Wilkinson Biography

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Turkey Massacre - Britain's Shame1

I agree with this Animal Aid statement 100%. The soulless turkey slaughterers said the killing was "going very smoothly". Spare a thought for these poor creatures tonight - the turkeys, of course.

Animal Aid statement on Bernard Matthews bird flu outbreak

With government-appointed killing gangs preparing to destroy as many as 160,000 birds at a Bernard Matthews Suffolk turkey farm, it is time for the intensive poultry industry to acknowledge that its own ruthless animal production and slaughtering systems are the root cause of the deadly new strains of bird flu.

The global poultry industry has so far succeeded in diverting blame for the Avian Influenza outbreaks onto wild migratory birds. But with the migratory season over, industry apologists are devoid of excuses.

In its natural state, the influenza virus has existed for millions of years as a harmless, intestinal infection of aquatic birds such as ducks. In poultry, bird flu has gone from a rare disease that occurs once a year to a far more lethal condition that is striking more and more frequently. The deadly H5N1 strain emerged in 1997 in Hong Kong. Since then, lethal outbreaks have hit the Far East, China, North America and Europe, including Norfolk and Fife. Millions of birds have been brutally destroyed and more than 100 people have died, mostly in Asia.

Broiler sheds are perfect breeding grounds for the new, deadly viral strains and there are any number of ways that they can spread across countries and continents - not least through transportation of chicks and poults, poultry products, feed and equipment.

Countries that have not yet developed a large-scale intensive poultry industry have been largely spared. Despite poultry sheds being nominally sealed off from the outside world, diseased material can easily enter them. An expert in the field, Dr Mohammad Yousaf*, has indicated that H5N1 and other such strains can find their way in through faecal traces or moisture in the air - or through the medium of feed, water, supplies, cages, clothes, delivery vehicles, mammals and even insects.

That a Bernard Matthews production unit should be hit by bird flu comes as no surprise to those who have monitored the company’s activities over the years. Undercover investigations in 2002, 2005 and 2006 produced evidence of crowded, dirty conditions with severely injured, diseased and dead birds.

In September last year, two of the company’s workers at Beck Farm, Haveringland were convicted of battering turkeys with a broom handle, used like a baseball bat. The solicitor defending the men described the conditions in the unit as "appalling" and said: "You can see why people move to an organic, more open type of farming."

Intensive farms, like those that Bernard Matthews run, are little more than disease factories. Overcrowded, filthy conditions, and stressed animals are a recipe for an outbreak.

The first priority of the meat industry and its government allies has been to insist that poultry products are safe to eat and that the public should continue to buy and consume them. Cooked chicken and turkey might be purged of viruses but how safe are the bodies of dead birds - fresh from supermarket chillers - that reside in millions of fridges around the country?

The birds in that Holton shed, whose fate under ‘normal’ production regimes would be appalling, are set to endure even greater suffering. Government ministers indicated in recent months that they would be prepared to allow mass asphyxiation of birds under just these circumstances.

Animal Aid is calling for a boycott of all chicken products as a means of waking up the government, the industry and the consumer to the vile and deadly nature of intensive animal production in the UK.

Notes to the Editor
For full background and interviews, contact Andrew Tyler on 01732 364546 (out of hours 07918 083774)
ISDN line available for broadcast-quality interviews.

* Avian influenza outbreak hits the industry again, Dr Mohammad Yousaf, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, World Poultry, Vol 20 No 3 2004.* Avian influenza outbreak hits the industry again, Dr Mohammad Yousaf, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, World Poultry, Vol 20 No 3 2004.

© Copyright Animal Aid 2007

Source link:

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Poets & Folkies By The Score

Everyone loves lists, don't they? Here's a couple, though not definitive.

A list of English-speaking poets, and links to their books:

A list of hundreds of folk artists, and links to their music:

George W. Bush - Comic Genius

This previously appeared on my MyWasteOfSpace page:

It can be argued that the American President has produced more (unintentioned) laughs than any other comic in the 21st Century. But, even before he became President, Dubya was making 'em roll in the aisles. Here's some classics from his pre-President days.

"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."
"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people gong to the polls."
"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
"One word sums up, probably, the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'."
"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
"People that are really weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history."

So many more, but I've only got so many hours in any given day.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Save The Amur Leopard - Press Release

Field survey data estimates that there are fewer than 50 Amur Leopards left in the wild, making the Amur Leopard one of the world's most endangered cats.

You can now make donations to the Amur Leopard Conservation Support Programme.

Get the T Shirt!
Show your support for the Amur leopard wearing the new Amur Leopard Conservation T Shirt - available now from the Feline Conservation Center (FCC). All proceeds go support Amur leopard conservation

Dennis Weaver - Eco Warrior

The late Dennis Weaver was famous as the TV cop McCloud, but he was ahead of his time with his compassion for all living things, as he reveals here:

Dennis Weaver's Personal Thoughts - from his own website
Dennis Weaver Website
...And My Dennis Weaver Obituary

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Cardinal Cox Film Reviews at

Peterborough writer and poet Cardinal Cox has written quite a few film reviews for, including the following

The Assassination Of Richard Nixon
Good Night And Good Luck
Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room
The Wind That Shakes The Barley

Car mad California - unlikely champions of the environment

A group with a purpose...

California regulators approved rules Thursday (Jan. 24, 2007) banning power companies from buying electricity from high-polluting sources, including most out-of-state coal-burning plants. The rules are aimed at reducing emissions of heat-trapping gases linked to global warming.

"It represents a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to address the challenge of climate change," said Michael Peevey, president of the California Public Utilities Commission.

The commission voted 4-0 to prohibit utilities and other energy providers from entering into long-term contracts with sources that emit more carbon dioxide than a modern natural gas plant. The new standard is aimed at encouraging investment in cleaner energy sources such as wind and solar, while discouraging the use of coal and other high-polluting fuels. Coal is cheap and plentiful but releases high levels of carbon dioxide, a gas blamed for trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere and raising temperatures worldwide.

Last year Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a landmark global warming bill into law that required the commission to adopt emissions standards for utilities. The Global Warming Solutions Act , a law created under Assembly Bill 32, requires the state to cut greenhouse gas pollution 25 percent by 2020. Earlier this month, the governor signed an executive order, known as the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, requiring fuel suppliers to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions in transportation vehicles by at least 10 percent by the year 2020. Administration officials estimate the move will save 3.2 billion gallons of gasoline a year, and drive investments in alternative and renewable fuel technology into the state. Officials say they are targeting fuel because transportation contributes to 41 percent of the state's greenhouse gas emissions.

California is making good environmental decisions and other state need to follow their lead and adopt similar rules. To reduce manmade global warming, the culprit for our climate change crises, we need to drastically reduce greenhouse gasses. Limiting carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles and dirty coal power is a step in our fight to save the planet. Hopefully it will also stimulate renewable fuel alternatives providing cleaner green power, such as wind and solar energy sources.

You can join this fight by writing media outlets and your state and Federal elected officials. Tell them to follow California's lead and adopt similar environmental laws. Use the following website to contact your elected leadership right now:

It's time to wake up and do something about the Climate Change Crises happening as you read this… Start living your life with PURPOSE - People United Rightly Protecting Our Sacred Earth… Begin with signing our petition to Congress making "Climate Change, Global Warming and Saving the Planet" this country's top priority:

Global Warming Petition (
To find out more about PURPOSE and to learn more how you can help save the planet, visit any or all of these websites:

PURPOSE Website (
PURPOSE on MySpace (
PURPOSE MySpace Group (
PURPOSE Discussion Group (
Earth Warrior living with PURPOSE (
Books and DVDs for PURPOSE (
PURPOSE Gift Shop (

Monday, January 09, 2006

Tony Banks RIP

Tony Banks was a British politician who was one of the leading lights in getting fox hunting, stag hunting, and hare coursing banned in the UK. Tony died suddenly over the weekend while holidaying in Florida.

In an age of careerist politicitans, he was from the old school of politicians who actually believed in things, and said things which didn't particularly help his career - i.e. being opposed to the war in Iraq and the invasion of Afghanistan.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Memories of George Best - at Luton and Dunstable

George Best was a boyhood hero of mine. Yes, I got angry with him over some of his behaviour, but I loved him all the same - and there's very few famous people I can say that about.

Most football crazy young boys (or girl in one of my ex's case) of my, now mid-40s, generation wanted to play like George, and look like George - even if we didn't support Manchester United.

I saw him play in a friendly for Manchester United at my club, Luton Town, in 1971, and he put in one of the best two or three performances I have ever seen, and it was just a friendly. I saw him play for Dunstable Town in 1974, and remember having to back away, with a friend of mine, Colin McCaig, as George needed room to take a corner. I remember feeling a mixture of sadness that this wasn't the stage he deserved, and delight at seeing him at least playing again. The opponents that day were a hotchpotch Manchester United side. They went 2-0 up, but eventually Dunstable won 3-2. Jeff Astle was also in the Dunstable side that day, and they were managed by Barry Fry. So, all very surreal, which was the story of George's life.

The last time I saw him play was a couple of years later, when George was in that star-studded Fulham side of the mid-'70s, which included two of the very few players who had a similar charisma and talent to George - Bobby Moore and Rodney Marsh. Fulham were at Luton, and won 2-0, and there was a famous photograph of young Luton starlet Ricky Hill dribbling past George, who ended up on his backside. Almost an analogy of where George's career was at. I should have seen George at Craven Cottage, playing for Fulham at home to Luton in the return fixture, but Bestie didn't show. By this time it wasn't unexpected. People excuse geniuses, because they are different. Genius is a curse and a blessing. A curse for those close to George, but a blessing for the rest of us.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Live 8 Blog (late!) U2, Who, Pink Floyd, R.E.M., Macca, Robbie, Kaiser Chiefs

Worrying about our missing cat, Suki, meant I was never going to enjoy Live 8 as much as Live Aid.

Live 8 was good. Not as good as Live Aid, as not such a good line-up, but that's not what it's about really. Madonna upset a lot of people (my Mother included) with her puerile swearing, and the cruel pheasant shooter also, according to the tabloids, upset Pink Floyd, because she overran her rehearsal time, and they ended up having little time to rehearse. I switched off when she was on, but wasn't disappointed with any of the acts I wanted to see. Though the BBC cutting into REM in full flow, with a meaningless interview, was a major cock-up. U2 were hot - sort of a given. Worked well with Macca. Thought Pete Townshend's guitar playing was blindingly good. Hope I have that much verve at his age. McCartney's still in good voice, and Pink Floyd were very accomplished considering their lack of rehearsing. Wish Kaiser Chiefs had been on the London bill. My favourite band at the moment (though I forget their name sometimes!). Just something about them. Their music and dress sense is a successful amalgam I think. Robbie Williams probably stole the show. I quite like him, but not to the extent I've bought any of his stuff, but he's a great showman.

Paul McCartney Live 8 Review Pink Floyd Live 8 Review REM Live 8 Review U2 Live 8 Review The Who Live 8 Review

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Troubled Times

Haven't felt like blogging for a time. Felt kind of crushed by personal concerns, and things going on in the world - London bombings, hurricanes Katrina and Stan, Asian earthquake, and, yesterday, the 2,000th American to die in Iraq. Well, it's nice to know we're safe in the hands of those good ol' Christians Bush and Blair. And you wonder why religion is dying in the Western world?...

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Hay Fever Blues

Pulled up some grass last Thursday, and saw the pollen floating towards me, so I knew I was in trouble. If you suffer from hay fever always keep those shades on.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Doctor Who - Blog

So, we come up to the final episode of this relaunched institution of a series. Overall, I think it's been good.

Christopher Ecccleston has had his critics as the Doctor, but I think, in his role, he's combined wit and intellect, with humour and compassion. Billie Piper has been a bit of a revelation as Rose, and has proved she's more than just an adolescent boy's pin-up.

The Daleks, naturally, and the Slitheen have been the best monsters of the series. The special effects have mostly been good, and there's been a fine array of guest stars, including Simon Callow, Zoe Wannamaker, and Richard Wilson. Some of the stories could have been stronger, though. The World War Two two-parter didn't do it for me.

But, though it's gotten more cruder, with fart jokes and mild swearing, it looks like the series is in safe hands.


Monday, June 13, 2005

Pink Floyd reform for LIVE 8

Roger Waters reckons many people will be cynical about their reasons
for reforming, but I'm not. The Floyd have always done things they
wanted to, and I haven't always agreed with some of those things...
This time I'm all for it. Forget your differences and help a great cause -
it's a good reason for reforming.

Pink Floyd LIVE 8 review by Paul Rance

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Leslie Nielsen, Wrongfully Accused, 1998 - Funniest Film Joke...Ever?!

Only caught the last 40 minutes of this film, with Leslie Nielsen in typical 'Airplane'/'Naked Gun' form...He sees 'Login' and 'Password' on a computer screen, so, to sign in, he types in 'Login' and 'Password'!!!!
Wrongfully Accused DVD available at

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Damon Albarn questions LIVE 8

Britpop's most-respected spokesperson (for me, anyway) has criticised the lack of black acts at LIVE 8. He's right, of course. The concerts are a good thing, but there's not enough black and ethnic artists at the London gig, and, with Africa in mind, that seems strange. Maybe it's something to do with timing, and some acts having other engagements. The whole thing has been put together very quickly, hopefully not too quickly.

Spiritual People?

We don't live in very 'spiritual times', but what is a spiritual person anyway? Someone who believes in God, but is actually unkind to people and animals? Someone who talks about being spiritual, but is emotionally cold to other people's problems? The only spirituality that really counts is kindness, and trying to make the world a better place.

H.F.E. - Honours For Egomaniacs

That time of the year again, when you get all those previously anti-establishment types falling over each other scrambling to pick up their MBEs, CBEs, and OBEs. The 'BE' in these awards stands for British Empire...Delusion is a wonderful thing.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Anne Bancroft - more than just Mrs. Robinson

Anne Bancroft, who died recently of cancer, aged 73, got a little fed-up with being mainly remembered as Mrs. Robinson, the seducer of a startled Dustin Hoffman in 'The Graduate', and immortalised by the Simon & Garfunkel song.

Ms. Bancroft won the Oscar for Best Actress in 1962, playing Helen Keller's teacher in 'The Miracle Worker'. She was Oscar nominated on four other occassions - for 'The Graduate', 'The Pumpkin Eater', 'The Turning Point', and 'Agnes Of God'. Gifted, sexy, and attractive, Ms. Bancroft was an inspiration to her zany genius of a husband, Mel Brooks. Indeed inspiring him to put his hit musical, 'The Producers', on the stage - for real!

Read my film reviews and actor/actress bios here.

Jeff & Tim Buckley

Jeff Buckley is recognised by many as a major talent, but his dad Tim wasn't bad either. Listening to Tim's soap opera of a song, 'Sweet Surrender', from his 'Greetings From L.A.' album, on a balmy evening last night, it says (if any song can) all you need to know about the twists and turns of love.

My Jeff Buckley brief bio and stuff
Tim Buckley CDs

Big Brother - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Caught 'em sleeping last night. Make it stop....

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Animal Welfare, Environmental, Humanitarian Links

A list of animal welfare and humanitarian websites from around the world.

Bikini Fashion

I have some 'previous' as a bikini fashion designer (non-leather, of course). Here's one of my efforts, and I hope you girls adopt this look for the summer. Wearing bikinis is especially healthy walking about in town and city centres (I don't get out to the beach much), but slap on the sun block, of course. I think I'll run a competition...The best adaptation of my bikini illustration will win a copy of the highly acclaimed Peace & Freedom Press (another one of my projects) poetry, prose, and art paperback anthology, 'Reigning Cats & Dogs', which is about...cats and dogs. Email your photos to:, and I'll try and put the best ones online. Remember, this is about adaptation, so all shapes and sizes are welcome to have a go. 

Big Brother and Celebrity Love Island...Whatever

Accidentally caught a glimpse of these two highly entertaining shows. In 'Big Brother', someone was eating a sandwich, so that was spellbinding. Caught a few seconds, again by accident, of 'Celebrity Love Island', and the lovely Abi Tittus was looking smouldering...and no doubt thinking £$£$£$.

Hoodie Hoodie Glum Glum

Yes, these hooded youths 'terrorising' society. Well, the kids didn't create an uncaring society. I think we're a product of where we come from. If you come out of a harsh environment, an environment without love and compassion, then you're not likely to display those emotions to anyone else. I've ticked of youths when they've acted like yobs, and they've just look stunned. No-one's taught 'em respect. If you ignore problems, then they'll sneak up on ya...

Vegetarian Women

Vegetarian women are great, because the only meat you know they're, let's not go there!

Potty Time

Camilla Parker-Bowles (a woman the strange Prince Charles fancied over Princess Diana) recently said that she thought a dog killing a fox was no more cruel than pulling apart pastry. With a face like hers, I supposed you're always going to have a sick view of the world.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Not everyone has a bloody mobile phone, Bob! Are we disillusioned with the Geldofs, Bonos, and Ures after 20 years? Not really, but they are more like politicians now. Maybe it's necessary, and if it saves more lives, then of course it's right. Though Bono praising Blair up was nauseating. Say that in Iraq, Bono....

Monday, June 06, 2005

Not quite Patrick Stewart yet...

Met a couple recently, who we first met on holiday when I was 12, J & P. Hadn't seen them since 1972, though Mother had. Wife J told my Mother that I'm "such a handsome young man", but they did have a pot at my losing my hair. I'm hardly Patrick Stewart, though!....Apart from when I shave my head to pretend I'm not balding, but am doing it is a fashion statement. That's why most men shave their heads, girls.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Language, Timothy

One thing that REALLY bugs me is the amount of foul language on blogs. Especially from women. If it's an attempt to upset the right wing wackos who faint at the word 'sex', then, yeah, I can understand that, but it just makes me lose a bit of respect. It's acting like an immature teenager trying to impress one's peers. I also understand that a lot of people use blogs to get things off their chests, because they feel too cowed to say things in real life, by a society which slaps down anyone too different. I've been a vegetarian since 1980, I am very aware of that reality! But, we should all be our own censors, and, if you have to use foul language, at least have the decency to put a warning up - a child may be visiting your blog.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Steptoe & Son Still Rocks

Watched Steptoe yesterday. 'Come Dancing' was hilarious. Those were the days when writers came up with genuinely funny lines, though it still seemed a bit risqué for the early '70s.
Steptoe And Son page

Thursday, June 02, 2005

So Tired, but not in a Spike Jones way

Had about 5 hours sleep on Tuesday. Last night I cobbled together 7, worrying about an ex-girlfriend. Women do your head in - mostly in a nice way - more than all the booze and drugs man has ever invented. Anyway, feel a bit livelier now. Enjoy my art, and mouse drawings, and take 'em free, gratis.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Celebrities helping shark charities...

I have a pathological hatred of 'reality' TV, but celebrities as sharkfood...that I'd watch. Get a cast of celebs, and put 'em in a pool of sharks. The public can bet on the first one who is eaten. The last one to be eaten is the winner, and a nice fat cheque goes to a shark charity. Nice to see a reality show do something good for a change, and twofold. Help a good cause, and rid the world of useless, vacuous, talentless celebs, so we're talking about a helluva lot of shark food, then! Who watches 'Big Brother' anyway? You're even duller than me! Was joking about the shark idea by the way...Piranhas, NOW you're talking!